2023 Drill Pay Charts

National Guardsmen and reserve military service members received a 4.6% pay increase in 2023. The 4.6% increase is the largest military pay raise in two years.
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2023 drill payOklahoma National Guard Sgt. Leramy Drew enters a weapons range with fellow Best Warrior contestants for a marksmanship test. The Best Warrior Competition is a three-day annual event that brings together top-tier Soldiers to test their proficiency in a variety of warrior tasks and drills. (Oklahoma National Guard photo by Pfc. Emily White)
Table of Contents
  1. 2023 Drill Pay Charts: Officers, Prior Enlisted Officers and Warrant Officers
    1. 2023 Drill Pay Chart: Officers and Warrant Officers 0-10 Years
    2. 2023 Drill Pay Chart: Officers and Warrant Officers 12-26 Years
    3. 2023 Drill Pay Chart: Officers and Warrant Officers 28-40 Years
    4. Officer Pay Notes
  2. 2023 Drill Pay Charts: Enlisted Members
    1. 2023 Drill Pay Chart: Enlisted Members 0-10 Years
    2. 2023 Drill Pay Chart: Enlisted Members 12-26 Years
    3. 2023 Drill Pay Chart: Enlisted Members 28-40 Years
  3. About Reserve Component Pay

National Guardsmen and reserve military service members should expect a 4.6% pay increase for drill pay.

The military pay increases will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2024. You’ll get your first increased paycheck on Jan. 12, 2024.

Current reserve drill pay is part of a 4.6% made in the 2023 defense budget.

Here are the 2022 drill pay charts, if you’d like to see how much your pay has increased by dollar amount.

Can I get a VA home loan as a member of the National Guard or Reserve?

Both National Guard and Reserve members may be eligible for VA home loan benefits if they meet the basic service requirements. The VA backs thousands of loans for Guard and Reserve members and Veterans each year. You can check your VA loan eligibility online today.

How to Read Drill Pay Charts

These drill pay tables apply to members of the reserve component (collectively, the National Guard and reserves). These charts only include basic military pay and do not include non-taxable allowances such as basic allowance for housing (BAH) or basic allowance for subsistence (BAS).

These charts include the base pay for each pay grade, as well as the amount of drill pay for both a single drill and four-drill periods. A single drill is 1/30th the amount of the monthly base pay. A standard drill weekend includes four drill periods.

You can see the active-duty 2023 military pay charts here.

When Do I Get Paid?

Active-duty military members and activated members of the National Guard and reserve are paid on the first and 15th of each month, except when those dates fall on a weekend or holiday. If so, you will be paid on the preceding business day. Traditional members of the Guard and reserve may be paid on a different schedule, depending on when they serve their drills or perform various duty assignments. Drill checks usually arrive within a week or so after performing drills. You can contact your finance or accounting office for more specific details.

Here are the standard military pay dates:

2023 Drill Pay Charts: Officers, Prior Enlisted Officers and Warrant Officers

Here are the 2023 drill pay scales for officers, prior-enlisted officers and warrant officers serving in the National Guard and Reserves.

2023 Drill Pay Chart: Officers and Warrant Officers 0-10 Years

Pay GradeFewer Than 22 or More3 or More4 or More6 or More8 or More10 or More
One Drill337.10352.76360.01365.78376.20386.51398.42
Four Drills1,348.431,411.041,440.041,463.111,504.801,546.051,593.71
One Drill255.64280.84299.27299.27300.42313.29315
Four Drills1,022.551,123.351,197.091,197.091,201.691,253.171,260
One Drill213.11240.07256.68259.81270.19276.38290.02
Four Drills852.44960.291,026.721,039.221,080.771,105.531,160.10
One Drill183.88212.84227.07230.21243.39257.54275.16
Four Drills735.52851.36908.25920.84973.561,030.151,100.62
One Drill161.66183.26197.78215.66226.01237.35244.67
Four Drills646.65733.02791.11862.66904.04949.37978.68
One Drill139.69159.09183.23189.42193.31193.31193.31
Four Drills558.77636.33732.89757.68773.23773.23773.23
One Drill121.24126.20152.56152.56152.56152.56152.56
Four Drills484.96504.81610.26610.26610.26610.26610.26
Prior Enlisted Officers
Pay GradeFewer Than 22 or More3 or More4 or More6 or More8 or More10 or More
One Drill---215.66226.01237.35244.67
Four Drills---862.66904.04949.37978.68
One Drill---189.42193.31199.46209.85
Four Drills---757.68773.23797.86839.42
One Drill---152.56162.90168.93175.09
Four Drills---610.26651.64675.70700.36
Warrant Officers
Pay GradeFewer Than 22 or More3 or More4 or More6 or More8 or More10 or More
One Drill167.08179.71184.87189.94198.69207.34216.10
Four Drills668.31718.84739.47759.79794.77829.36864.42
One Drill152.59158.93165.47167.59174.41187.86201.86
Four Drills610.34635.74661.87670.37697.65751.46807.44
One Drill135.01147.78151.70154.41163.16176.76183.52
Four Drills540.04591.14606.82617.64652.62707.06734.09
One Drill118.50131.27134.69141.94150.50163.13169.02
Four Drills473.99525.09538.75567.76602652.54676.08

2023 Drill Pay Chart: Officers and Warrant Officers 12-26 Years

Pay Grade12 or More14 or More16 or More18 or More20 or More22 or More24 or More26 or More
One Drill410.29422.22459.65491.26491.26491.26491.26492.07
Four Drills1,641.181,688.881,838.631,965.051,965.051,965.051,965.051,968.27
One Drill315332.90364.54383.12401.68412.25422.96443.69
Four Drills1,2601,331.591,458.181,532.471,606.721,649.011,691.841,774.78
One Drill300.06312.99332.76342.18351.49362.06362.06362.06
Four Drills1,200.231,251.971,331.081,368.711,405.971,448.251,448.251,448.25
One Drill288.85298.37303.85307.01307.01307.01307.01307.01
Four Drills1,155.411,193.491,215.401,228.041,228.041,228.041,228.041,228.04
One Drill256.72263.02263.02263.02263.02263.02263.02263.02
Four Drills1,026.891,052.071,052.071,052.071,052.071,052.071,052.071,052.07
One Drill193.31193.31193.31193.31193.31193.31193.31193.31
Four Drills773.23773.23773.23773.23773.23773.23773.23773.23
One Drill152.56152.56152.56152.56152.56152.56152.56152.56
Four Drills610.26610.26610.26610.26610.26610.26610.26610.26
Prior Enlisted Officers
Pay Grade12 or More14 or More16 or More18 or More20 or More22 or More24 or More26 or More
One Drill249.97259.88265.58273.32273.32273.32273.32273.32
Four Drills999.891,039.511,062.321,093.281,093.281,093.281,093.281,093.28
One Drill212.16217.98217.98217.98217.98217.98217.98217.98
Four Drills848.64871.9871.9871.9871.9871.9871.9871.9
One Drill176.37184.44184.44184.44184.44184.44184.44184.44
Four Drills705.46737.76737.76737.76737.76737.76737.76737.76
Warrant Officers
Pay Grade12 or More14 or More16 or More18 or More20 or More22 or More24 or More26 or More
One Drill----297.07312.14323.37335.78
Four Drills----1,188.291,248.531,293.471,343.11
One Drill229.26229.26240.81251.8260.81282.46293.05305.12
Four Drills917.04917.06963.251,007.211,043.221,129.851,172.171,220.47
One Drill208.46208.46216.09223.94238.08253.32259.38267.65
Four Drills833.84833.83864.38895.74952.341,013.271,037.511,070.59
One Drill190.15190.15198.27204.62210.36221.76225.34225.34
Four Drills760.59760.61793.09818.48841.43887.07901.38901.38
One Drill177.29177.29185.39191.77197.64204.78204.78204.78
Four Drills709.11709.13741.57767.09790.56819.09819.09819.09

2023 Drill Pay Chart: Officers and Warrant Officers 28-40 Years

Pay Grade28 or More30 or More32 or More34 or More36 or More38 or More40 or More
One Drill492.07492.07492.07492.07492.07492.07492.07
Four Drills1,968.271,968.271,968.271,968.271,968.271,968.271,968.27
One Drill443.69452.55452.55452.55452.55452.55452.55
Four Drills1,774.781,810.231,810.231,810.231,810.231,810.231,810.23
One Drill362.06362.06362.06362.06362.06362.06362.06
Four Drills1,448.251,448.251,448.251,448.251,448.251,448.251,448.25
One Drill307.01307.01307.01307.01307.01307.01307.01
Four Drills1,228.041,228.041,228.041,228.041,228.041,228.041,228.04
One Drill263.02263.02263.02263.02263.02263.02263.02
Four Drills1,052.071,052.071,052.071,052.071,052.071,052.071,052.07
One Drill193.31193.31193.31193.31193.31193.31193.31
Four Drills773.23773.23773.23773.23773.23773.23773.23
One Drill152.56152.56152.56152.56152.56152.56152.56
Four Drills610.26610.26610.26610.26610.26610.26610.26
Prior Enlisted Officers
Pay Grade28 or More30 or More32 or More34 or More36 or More38 or More40 or More
One Drill280.70280.70280.70280.70280.70280.70280.70
Four Drills1,122.801,122.801,122.801,122.801,122.801,122.801,122.80
One Drill223.86223.86223.86223.86223.86223.86223.86
Four Drills895.45895.45895.45895.45895.45895.45895.45
One Drill189.42189.42189.42189.42189.42189.42189.42
Four Drills757.68757.68757.68757.68757.68757.68757.68
Warrant Officers
Pay Grade28 or More30 or More32 or More34 or More36 or More38 or More40 or More
One Drill326.95343.33352.60370.20370.20388.75388.75
Four Drills1,307.791,373.311,410.401,480.821,480.821,554.981,554.98
One Drill297.10303.03311.21311.21311.21311.21311.21
Four Drills1,188.381,212.101,244.831,244.831,244.831,244.831,244.83
One Drill260.61260.61267.65267.65267.65267.65267.65
Four Drills1,042.441,042.441,070.591,070.591,070.591,070.591,070.59
One Drill219.42219.42225.34225.34225.34225.34225.34
Four Drills877.68877.68901.38901.38901.38901.38901.38
One Drill199.39199.39204.78204.78204.78204.78204.78
Four Drills797.55797.55819.09819.09819.09819.09819.09

Officer Pay Notes

Combat-Zone Tax-Exclusion Pay

Prior Enlisted Officer Pay Qualifications

  • Prior enlisted officers may be eligible for a higher pay rate based on time in service and other criteria. To qualify for O-1E – O-3E pay, officers must have served at least four years and one day on active duty, or have more than 1,460 points as a warrant officer and/or enlisted member.

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2023 Drill Pay Charts: Enlisted Members

Here are the drill pay charts for enlisted members of the National Guard and Reserves.

2023 Drill Pay Chart: Enlisted Members 0-10 Years

Pay GradeFewer Than 22 or More3 or More4 or More6 or More8 or More10 or More
One Drill------201.85
Four Drills------807.40
One Drill-----165.24172.55
Four Drills-----660.96690.18
One Drill114.86125.36130.17136.51141.49150.02154.83
Four Drills459.43501.45520.71546.05565.95600.07619.33
One Drill99.35109.33114.16118.85123.73134.74139.03
Four Drills397.39437.30456.64475.38494.93538.93556.16
One Drill91.0197.14101.84106.64114.13121.95128.39
Four Drills364.04388.58407.35426.56456.51487.79513.53
One Drill83.4587.7292.4797.16101.31101.31101.31
Four Drills333.79350.89369.89388.66405.20405.20405.20
One Drill75.3380.0784.9284.9284.9284.9284.92
Four Drills301.34320.30339.72339.72339.72339.72339.72
One Drill71.6471.6471.6471.6471.6471.6471.64
Four Drills286.56286.56286.56286.56286.56286.56286.56
One Drill63.92------
Four Drills255.67------
E-1<4 mo1,772.82------
One Drill59.10------
Four Drills236.38------

2023 Drill Pay Chart: Enlisted Members 12-26 Years

Pay Grade12 or More14 or More16 or More18 or More20 or More22 or More24 or More26 or More
One Drill206.43212.19218.96225.83236.76246.05255.79270.72
Four Drills825.70848.78875.85903.30947.05984.221,023.161,082.88
One Drill177.07182.49188.36198.96204.34213.48218.55231.03
Four Drills708.27729.93753.48795.84817.32853.89874.22924.11
One Drill163.35170.45175.29180.45182.44189.15192.75206.45
Four Drills653.39681.80701.13721.76729.75756.61771.01825.80
One Drill147.33149.87151.71153.88153.88153.88153.88153.88
Four Drills589.33599.47606.86615.50615.50615.50615.50615.50
One Drill129.16129.16129.16129.16129.16129.16129.16129.16
Four Drills516.62516.62516.62516.62516.62516.62516.62516.62
One Drill101.31101.31101.31101.31101.31101.31101.31101.31
Four Drills405.20405.20405.20405.20405.20405.20405.20405.20
One Drill84.9284.9284.9284.9284.9284.9284.9284.92
Four Drills339.72339.72339.72339.72339.72339.72339.72339.72
One Drill71.6471.6471.6471.6471.6471.6471.6471.64
Four Drills286.56286.56286.56286.56286.56286.56286.56286.56

2023 Drill Pay Chart: Enlisted Members 28-40 Years

Pay Grade28 or More30 or More32 or More34 or More36 or More38 or More40 or More
One Drill270.72284.23284.23298.46298.46313.41313.41
Four Drills1,082.881,136.941,136.941,193.831,193.831,253.641,253.64
One Drill231.03235.66235.66235.66235.66235.66235.66
Four Drills924.11942.67942.67942.67942.67942.67942.67
One Drill206.45206.45206.45206.45206.45206.45206.45
Four Drills825.80825.80825.80825.80825.80825.80825.80
One Drill153.88153.88153.88153.88153.88153.88153.88
Four Drills615.50615.50615.50615.50615.50615.50615.50
One Drill129.16129.16129.16129.16129.16129.16129.16
Four Drills516.62516.62516.62516.62516.62516.62516.62
One Drill101.31101.31101.31101.31101.31101.31101.31
Four Drills405.20405.20405.20405.20405.20405.20405.20
One Drill84.9284.9284.9284.9284.9284.9284.92
Four Drills339.72339.72339.72339.72339.72339.72339.72
One Drill71.6471.6471.6471.6471.6471.6471.64
Four Drills286.56286.56286.56286.56286.56286.56286.56

About Reserve Component Pay

The reserve component consists of the National Guard and reserve, including the Air Force National Guard and Air Force Reserve, Army National Guard and Army Reserve, Coast Guard Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve and Navy Reserve.

Guard and Reserve members typically serve “one weekend a month, two weeks a year.”

Your drill weekend consists of four drill periods of four hours each (two per day). During this time, you will receive pay and points for four drill periods.

Here is how your drill pay works:

  • Each drill period is four hours.
  • Each drill weekend consists of four drill periods. There is a morning drill and an afternoon drill for each day on the weekend, each of which is four hours long.
  • You earn one day of pay and one retirement point per drill period.
  • One day of pay is equal to 1/30th of the base pay for your pay grade and time in service.
  • Each drill weekend is 16 total hours, good for four drill periods (and four retirement points).
  • All other service in the reserve component is the equivalent of one day of active-duty pay (simply divide the monthly pay by 1/30th).

More information on Guard and reserve points, retirement and compensation:

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