Are you are planning on joining the military? If so, you will need to first take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). It is important to do well on this test, not only because you won’t be able to join the military if you don’t pass, but you may need to reach a minimum score to qualify for certain jobs.
Want to ace the ASVAB? Good. Keep reading!
How to Ace the ASVAB
The main thing is to study and be prepared. You’ll find a number of study guides you can use. Also, learn from others who have taken the test and make sure you learn everything you can so you’re educated on the requirements as well as the contents of the ASVAB.
Here are some things you need to know about the ASVAB, and a few tips on how to ace it.
What is the ASVAB?
The ASVAB is the entrance exam required to join the United States military. If you don’t meet the minimum benchmarks, you won’t be allowed to enlist in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or any branch of the National Guard or Reserves. This test is given to everyone who is considering enlisting in the US military.
The ASVAB determines whether you have the mental aptitude required to be in the military branch you’re applying to, and it also determines what job you’re mentally capable of performing.
Which topics does the ASVAB cover?
The test covers nine subject areas: Mathematics Knowledge, Arithmetic Reasoning, Paragraph Comprehension, General Science, Electronics Information, Auto and Shop Information, Mechanical Comprehension, Assembling Objects and Word Knowledge. It’s likely that you are already strong in one or more of these areas. If that is the case, then you will be better off focusing the majority of your time on the areas where you need to improve.
How to Study for the ASVAB
There are several study guides you can use when you’re preparing for the ASVAB. There are many ASVAB study guides available, some of which are easier to understand than others, so you’ll need to find the one that will work best for you and your learning abilities. Here are some of the top sellers:
Here are some featured ASVAB Study Guides from Amazon:
If you want to save money, check out a copy from the library or browse through an edition at the bookstore before buying – that way you know you get the best version for your study habits. You can also search out free online ASVAB practice tests and study guides, which can help you get the hang of how the test works.
How to Pass the ASVAB
The best way to pass the ASVAB is to study for it just like any other test you need to pass. Read through the book, ask the recruiter questions that may come up, talk to others who have taken the test. If you don’t pass, you won’t be able to join, so you need to take this test seriously.
Can you retake the ASVAB?
Yes, you can. You will want to do your best the first time, because let’s face it, no one wants to spend several hours retaking a test! But if you don’t score as high enough to qualify for the military job you want, or if you don’t score high enough to qualify for military enlistment, you can take it again. Be sure to put in some extra study to prepare for your second test, and try some online practice tests if you can find some.
Is the ASVAB required for Commissioning?
While the Navy and Marine Corps do not explicitly require you to take the ASVAB prior to becoming a commissioned officer, it is strongly recommended. The Army and Air Force do not require the ASVAB. The Air Force has a separate officer qualifying test – Air Force Officer Qualifying Test, or AFOQT.
If you want to enlist, you must pass the ASVAB
Anyone who wants to enlist in the US military must take the ASVAB test to help them decide on the career that fits their abilities. When you’re prepared for the questions, you’ll do better and feel better about your results, and that will help you to be more successful, and happier, with the specific military career you select.
Ken says
The test seems hard, but I need it to become a pilot.
Ryan Guina says
Ken, you may need to take more than just the ASVAB to become a pilot. If you wan to join the Air Force you will need to take the AFOQT, or Air Force Officer Qualifying Test. There are commercial study guides you can purchase that will help you pass either test. A little studying will help familiarize you with the format and types of questions. Practicing the test and sample questions will also go a long way to helping you achieve a better score. Best of luck on your exam!
Hank says
I’m glad that I never had to take the ASVAB. Officers didn’t have to take it 10-15 years ago. I like not knowing my GT score so I do not have to use it as a yard stick comparing myself to others like the enlisted sometimes do.